1 Second Everyday
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”
As 2018 fades into the background and 2019 takes hold of the here and now, I am reminded of how quickly time passes. When I think back to just a year ago, I am already struggling to imagine what my children were like, how they looked, what they were doing, and how much they have changed in the interim. They are my ever-present reminder that nothing lasts forever and that the inevitable waves of change are bound to come crashing onto the shores of life. The start of a new year always weighs heavily on my heart, evoking a feeling of nostalgia as I think of all that we accomplished in the last 12 months.
Last year, however, I took matters into my own hands and decided to create a video that would showcase our year in a fun, creative, and simple way. It was just a year ago that I made the resolution to document my kids’ lives in unique ways, so I started a “1 Second Everyday” movie. With the simple push of a record button, upload to an app, and some minor edits, I created a movie that I will cherish forever.
Yes. I’ll admit it. I cheated a few times when I forgot a day and had to fill the video with another clip but, for the vast majority, this is an accurate representation of our year. It highlights the growth of our family - from Linden walking and growing hair to Maelle’s gymnastics gains and reading improvements. We moved into our dream house, took vacations, hung out with family, and did all of the activities that can sometimes become so commonplace they take a backseat in the highlight reel of our life. In reality, these are the moments I will want to remember forever because this is exactly what our life is truly like; not photo-shopped pictures, plastered on smiles, exotic getaways, or preplanned poses. True life is the space between these moments where we live and where life happens.
I absolutely loved doing this and wanted to share it with all of you. I would encourage everyone to find ways to document your happenings as well. I guarantee that you will not regret it.