Lollipop Valentine's Day Cards
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
Maelle's class has a Valentine's Day card exchange. This year, we decided to DIY - an easy but creative card. These were an absolute hit with the other kids and I received a number of compliments from the teachers and parents on these simple Valentines. So, I thought I would share them with you! Of course, I'm posting a bit late for Valentine's Day but you can keep this idea in your back pocket for next year or modify it for any other special occasion.
What You Need:
- Camera/Camera Phone
- Photo editor
- Photo printer or a device to take them to a store and get them printed - I used a USB and took them to our community Shoppers Drug Mart and had them printed in minutes
- Lollipops - Any brand will work but I used the Wal-Mart Great Value brand heart lollipops
- Xacto knife
- Tape
How To:
- Take a picture of your child holding up one arm with their hand in a fist
- Be sure that the arm is off to the side and not in front of their body so that the lollipop will not cover their face.
- Think about spacing and sizing of a regular 4x6" photo - Make sure to leave enough space for any words you want or any writing you would like your child to do
- Be aware of the background. Keep it simple with a brick background, white wall, or another uncluttered backdrop.
- Ensure that your photo dimensions work in coordination with a 4x6" picture
- Open the photo in an editor of your choice
- We used MS-Paint, but you could also use a free phone photo editor.
- Edit the photo the way you would like that works with your child's photo
- We put a simple white block on the left side of the photo added a heart with the punny saying "I'm a SUCKER for you."
- You can have your card say anything and can modify it for any occasion.
- Leave space to have your child write their name if this is something you would like them to do.
- Print your pictures
- Always print more than you need because inevitably you will make an error, your child will spell something incorrectly, or you will rip a hole in one while getting a bit overzealous with the Xacto knife.
- Have your child add anything to the card you want
- In our case, Maelle wrote her name and added a sticker to each one but this will differ depending on your child's age and capabilities.
- Using an Xacto knife, cut slits on the picture at the top and bottom of the fist of your child that is supposed to be holding the lollipop
- Make sure to place something underneath the picture as you use the Exacto knife. An old piece of cardboard works great!
- Place a lollipop under the top slit and through the bottom slit to create the illusion that your child is holding the lollipop
- Tape the lollipop in place on the back for extra security
That's it, that's all. Simple, sweet, and a lovely personal touch.